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[Movember] Labérine grows a moustache!

Oct 27, 2023

Once again this year, Labérine is supporting the Movember campaign, but by doing more!

What is Movember?

Movember is an association that supports men around the world through public issues. Their main concern was this: the world's men are dying younger and younger, so what can we do about it?

So, since 2003, Movember has been the global voice for men's health awareness, focusing on the following topics: Prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and male suicide prevention.

The association has already funded more than 1,250 projects worldwide associated with these causes. Their goal: By 2030, we will reduce the number of men who die prematurely by 25%.

This year, we're doing more!

Our commitment to this cause is a little different this year. Like the Pink October campaign, we'd like to commit to donating a portion of our orders to this cause.

That's why, from now until the end of November, Labérine will donate €5 to the Movember association for every order over €100.

Would you also like to get involved? Do it now!

In this fight, everyone has an important role to play, starting with the simple act of talking about it and raising awareness among the world's population.

But if you too would like to help this cause move forward more quickly, Labérine offers you the chance to make a donation when you place your order! All you have to do is let us know, along with the amount you'd like to donate, when you place your next order.

Alternatively, if you would also like to make a donation, independently of Labérine, go to the following link: make a donation